How long does a laser dental procedure typically take?

How long does a laser dental procedure typically take?

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Laser dentistry is generally quick and efficient whenever you visit the dentist. The best dentist at Sewri East, would strive to get any laser dental procedure done as quickly as possible while ensuring precision and comfort.

✓ Average Duration of Laser Dental Procedures
Teeth whitening: A single laser teeth whitening session takes about 30–60 minutes for immediate brightening.
Gum disease treatment: Completion times of laser gum therapy range from 30 to 90 minutes, depending on severity.
Cavity removal: Time for laser-assisted cavity treatment varies, taking around 20-40 minutes for each tooth.
Root canal therapy: Laser-use can lessen discomfort in root canal procedures that complete in 60-90 minutes.
Soft tissue procedures: Treatment times for procedures such as gum contouring and frenectomy take anywhere between 15 and 45 minutes with minimal recovery time.

Since laser dentistry is minimally invasive, most of the procedures can be completed within one visit, avoiding follow-up visits accordingly. Smile Again Dental Clinic emphasizes the comforts and efficiencies of its patients while maintaining the highest quality results in the least time. Visit the best dentist in Sewri East for fast pain-free and advanced laser dental treatments!

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